Monday, June 14, 2010


Since none of the regular players showed up, I had a new player start as Ash in the cabin, playing through the end of Evil Dead II where Annie makes the evil in the woods into a thing of the flesh, and Ash has to fight it until the portal shows up, pulling the evil, Ash, and his car through time and space and into Army of Darkness.
I gave him 10 extra drama points since I wasn't counting the session as a part of the AoD campaign proper, and was more like a warm-up exercise to learn the system and what-not. The Ultimate Evil is like the Final Boss of the series, and the rulebook says that even a full party would have a tough time fighting it, and some may die. So my plan was just to have the portal appear right before the evil kills Ash.

The Evil Summoned
A large fleshy/tree rotten-apple-head monster is summoned, and Kool-Aids his way through the front of the cabin. This is the Ultimate Evil.

Ash uses a Drama Point for Righteous Fury, which gives him +5 to all combat rolls for the rest of the encounter. There are requirements for this specific use, usually the whole party is below 1/2 Life Points, but since Ash is alone and fighting the Evil, I say that he can use RF since his friends and girlfriend have all died in the last two days of the story.

The Evil claws, grabs, crushes, and tosses Ash across the room. Ash repays in kind with bye sawing into The Evil's left eye with his chainsaw hand and unloading both barrels of his shotgun into the other, both at the same time. He then lights himself on fire and jumps into the Evil's mouth. The Evil, being mostly made of wooden trees, is weak against fire. The Evil grabs Ash with it's vile tongue and tries to swallow him whole. Ash counters by grabbing the tongue and slicing it off using the Evil's own teeth. Groovy.

The Evil uses 5 Drama Points to keep healing, and stomps on Ash with a tree trunk through the ceiling of the cabin. Losing the fight, Ash falls back to the back of the cabin. The Evil responds to Ash's retreat by begining to demolish the cabin, smashing against it with animated trees. [Since I can't have my newest player have a 'rocks fall and everone dies' I open up the portal to stop things from getting hairy]
The Evil grabs onto the cabin walls to stop itself from getting sucked through the portal. Ash goes through the back door and heads over to his car, parked a little too close to the front of the cabin and the portal. The player rolls high and is able to start the car and gain some feet of ground against the portal's pull. In a characteristically Ash-like moment, the player decides to face the Evil instead of driving away. Ash spins his car 180 degrees, floors it, leaps out and rams into the face of the Evil, which has now been pulled away from the cabin towards the portal. The Evil shrivels up and 'dies' [or appears to die, but has most definitely been defeated for now] and disappears into the portal.
Having lept from the car at the last second, Ash grabs futily to get a hold on the ground, fighting the portal's pull. Things from the cabin start flying out towards him and the portal. The kitchen sink heads right for him, which he kicks away. Then the cabin rips away from the foundations and follows the sink. Ash gets smacked in the face with a cabin and is pushed into the portal, leading him into the Medieval Dead...

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