Monday, December 27, 2010

Vampire art

Scott Washington's Relentless Dungeon
Release date TBA

Influences: Bat wings for the cloak, Spawn, D&D Ravenloft Count Strahd von Zarovich, Bela Lugosi and Christopher Lee versions of Dracula. With other monsters I've had to give some thought to combining genre differences for the monster, but Dracula pretty much shouts 'vampire'  for any genre.

Initial sketches for the vampire:


Anonymous said...

Your detailing of the face looks spot-on. Looks really professional. Is the final image really going to be only 200 px? It's a shame =(!

Unknown said...

Wow man, looks great!

Somewhere in my record collection I have an old record of Bela Lugosi and Vincent Price reading classic horror stories....dracula, wolf man, etc...

I should dig that up....

cheers G! keep it going!

Will O said...

Thanks. I've heard Price reading plenty of Poe and I'd be interested in hearing classic horror stories, especially the ones I haven't read like Frankenstein.